Wednesday 18 September 2024

'Enjoy Oneself' As Behavioural Process

First Analysis:

This is not a mental process, because

(i) himself is not the Phenomenon that he is enjoying;

(ii) the unmarked present tense is 'present in present', like behavioural and material clauses.

The clause is agnate with he is enjoying [[what he is doing]],

so himself serves the same function as the Behaviour what he is doing.

Here 'enjoy' adds an emotional feature to a behavioural Process.

Final Analysis:

In  the case of this reflexive verb, the Range of the Process is better analysed as included in the Process itself (like behaving himself):

Of the two-participant process types, behavioural is the only that excludes the possibility of a reflexive pronoun, since the second participant is limited to a behaviour. For example,
  • material: he cut himself
  • mental: he saw himself
  • verbal: he flattered himself 
  • relational: he wasn't himself 

So wordings like 'enjoy oneself' and 'behave oneself' must function as a behavioural Process.

Friday 7 June 2024

Thingless Nominal Group Embedded As Qualifier

Cf. one too few legs, one too many drinks, one drink too many.

 Woke Alert: May cause offence to unidexters.

Sunday 26 May 2024

Marked Textual Structure Of A Nominal Group

Halliday & Matthiessen (2014: 387, 397):

Textual meaning is embodied throughout the entire structure, since it determines the order in which the elements are arranged, as well as patterns of information structure just as in the clause (note, for example, that the unmarked focus of information in a nominal group is on the word that comes last, not the word that functions as Thing. This means that there is a certain potential for assigning experientially similar meanings different textual statuses within the structure of the nominal group. …

Initial position is thematic; and the natural theme of a process or participant is its relation to the here-and-now. Final position is informative; and the newsworthy component of a process or participant is some aspect of its lexical content. So the structure of groups recapitulates, in the fixed ordering of their elements, the meaning that is incorporated as choice in the message structure of the clause.

Saturday 3 February 2024

Theme Will Tear Us Apart Again

But in Halliday ± Matthiessen (1985, 1994, 2004, 2014), in cases of predicated Theme, the embedded clause is also analysed for Theme:

Friday 12 May 2023

Direction Of Coding And Agency

A decoding identifying clause can be middle or effective:

but an encoding identifying clause is always effective:

Thursday 29 December 2022

'Used To'

 The Finite used to conflates the meaning of a temporal Adjunct with past tense:

Saturday 17 December 2022

'As Usual' vs 'Usually'

as usual serves as a comment Adjunct of the type 'predictable'.
See Halliday & Matthiessen (2014: 191).

Monday 7 November 2022

An Enclosed Structurally Unrelated Clause

Mr Minter, 'Call me Ted', was  a large, untidy, perpetually smiling man with the look of an astute rabbit.
— John Mortimer Rumpole And The Asylum Seekers

One way to analyse the enclosed clause as structurally related is to take the view from below. Because it is realised as its own tone group (TONALITY) and realised by tone concord with what precedes (TONE), the enclosed clause is realised as if it were in non-defining elaborating relationship with the surrounding clause. Such an interpretation, though, requires treating the clause that projected it as ellipsed.

Monday 31 October 2022

Intense Emotion Without Graduated Affect

This is an experiential construal of intense emotion but not an interpersonal enactment of graduated affect. This is because AFFECT is the system of enacting a positive or negative appraisal by reference to emotion, and no such appraisal is enacted here. (Any enactment of a judgement by the author of the clause is a separate matter.) 

Sunday 11 September 2022

Tuesday 9 August 2022

Chemical Symbolism As Metaphorical

It is the grammatical metaphor afforded by chemical symbolism that enables the systematic expansion of the semantics of the field of chemistry, most explicitly in terms of quantified composition. Cf. Halliday & Matthiessen (1999: 288-9):

It is the fact that metaphor multiplies meanings within the semantic system that opens up the possibility of metaphorical chains, with one congruent starting-point and another highly metaphorical end-point (A"' stands for A" stands for A' stands for A; e.g. 'engine failure* stands for 'the failing of an engine' stands for 'an engine failed'). The semantic system is being expanded along the dimension of the metaphorical token-value relation; but the expansion is still within the semantic system itself.

NaCl stands for sodium chloride stands for salt. (Thing+Thing stands for Classifier^Thing stands for Thing.)

Wednesday 4 May 2022

'For' As Minor Process Of Accompaniment

Halliday & Matthiessen (2014: 324):
Accompaniment is a form of joint participation in the process and represents the meanings ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘not’ as circumstantials;

Wednesday 13 April 2022

'Portray' As Relational Process

In Deploying Functional Grammar (Martin, Matthiessen & Painter 2010: 124), portray is interpreted as a behavioural process, despite it occurring in effective clauses, and despite its Range not being a behaviour.